Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Demographic Voter Makeup: Minnesota

*Editor’s note: This is part two in a series that will break down the demographic statistics of voters in all six of FPP’S designated swing states plus the states of Pennsylvania, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, North Carolina, and Wisconsin. Tomorrow Iowa and New Hampshire

A Republican hasn’t won Minnesota’s 10 electoral votes since Richard Nixon swept 49 states away from George McGovern in 1972. In what has been a solid Democratic state in the last nine presidential elections, recent polling has Mitt Romney siting just outside the margin of error and within striking distance with less than one week until Election Day.  The Obama campaign sent super surrogate and former President Bill Clinton to Minneapolis yesterday where he held two events trying to stop the bleeding. In 2008, Barack Obama defeated John McCain by 10%. Let’s take a closer look at the demographic make-up of the Land of 10,000 Lakes.
Population: 5,303,925 (2010)
State rank: 21st
Change since 2000 census: up 7.8%
Most populated cities
Minneapolis 382,578
St. Paul 285,068
Rochester 106,769
Duluth 86,265
Household Income
Under $15K: 10.6%
$15K-$50K: 33.3%
$50K-$100K: 34.5%
$100K-$200K: 17.6%
Over $200K: 4.0%
Median Income: $56,704

Read more after the jump

Home Value
Under $100K: 14.4%
$100K-$300K: 61.4%
Over $300K: 24.8%
Median Value: $209,900
H.S. grad: 94.4%
College grad: 31.5%
Grad degree: 10.1%
Military Veterans
% of Pop: 9.9%
White: 83.1%
Black: 5.1%
Hispanic: 4.7%
Asian: 4.0%
Native Am.: 1.0%
Hawaiian: 0.0%
Median age: 37.2 years
Over 65: 12.6%
Under 18: 24.1%
State Legislature
Senate: 30D 37R
House: 62D 72R
Private: 81.5%
Government: 12.0%
Self-employed: 6.3%
Unemployment (Sept 2012): 5.8%
Registered Voters in 2010
No party Registration
Voter Turnout in 2010: 2,123,369
Turnout as % of voting age in 2010: 52.8%

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